The Knowledge Management Research Group

Matthias Palmérs PVR


  • Quiet
  • Low energy consumtion
  • Capable of using the 1366x768 resolution of my 40" LCD TV (Samsung)
  • Include all regular PVR features such as timeshifting, DVD playback, music etc.
  • Allow regular non-cpu-intense PC tasks such as surf the web, email etc.


  • Epia SP 13000 (Motherboard)
  • Haupauge WinTV 250 pci-card (TV-card, includes a remote)
  • Seagate Barracuda 120Gb 7200rpm (Harddisk)
  • 1Gb of RAM
  • Panasonic Slimline Combined DVD and CD (both read and write) slot-load
  • PC case that integrates nicely with my other stereo equipment
  • Remote keyboard and mouse (still to be decided upon)


  • Ubuntu Linux
  • MythTV
  • Mplayer
  • XMLTV - for grabbing TV information of the net
  • LIRC - for listing to IR-devices
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